Sunday, May 4, 2008

Overweight? Me?.

I finally did it. I signed up at the gym!

It s funny how weight creeps up on you. I think I m in so so shape, but my pot belly makes me look a few years older than I really am. Don t ask me how it got there, I don t know! My first instinct is to claim that I was abducted by aliens and they put it there. Or we could go with my wife s explanation. She likes to tell people that I m carrying our first baby and am expecting soon!

The truth is that I moved to a country where food is dirt cheap and I got carried away. It didn t help that this move coincided with getting married to a woman who prides herself in her ability to keep her husband well fed. Oh, and let s not forget the months of unemployment in Cork. Cork is a cold wet city and if you don t need do be somewhere, you stay put. I stayed put in a one bedroom apartment eating cheap food. The result is a BMI flirting with the obese category. Not bad for a skinny kid!

Finally I m taking action. I ve been told that if I don t I could die before my 72nd birthday. It took all the self control I have not to point out that the life expectancy where I come from is 39 and anything close to 70 would be considered a miracle. I just shook my head solemnly and behaved well for a change. I had my first workout today and I lived to tell the tale. I almost enjoyed it even!

If you re in the Galway, feel free to drop by Leisure Land. You might see a round guy desperately trying to stay on his treadmill with buckets of seat pouring off him. You re more than welcome to come up and say hi Lord knows I could do with the excuse to take a break!.

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